
Friday, November 17, 2006

written by:
J, Fab, Pings, Yuri & i (:

Africa. Sprawled across this continent are vast grasslands, seemingly endless deserts, and impenetrable rain forests. Each region is dotted with a unique array of wild animals. However, roaming throughout every African environment is one constant: the elephant, which makes its home in the African plains.

The massive trunks, long smooth tusks, large floppy ears, swishing tails and dark grey leathery hide makes a towering giant. In their beady watery eyes, they shed a story on the African plains. When dawn broke, new life stirred within the elephant herd.

Differentiated from the rest of the herd, an elephant with half a tail, Elie, was pregnant. After carrying her calf for almost a year and a half, the time arrived sooner than expected. In the darkness of the night with the maniacal laughter of the hyenas popping here and there like crickets, Elie slipped away from her herd.

He was smaller than usual, covered in the birth fluids of his mother, it shivered feverishly in the icy cold nights of the desert. No one would think that this premature calf could survive the night, things did not look optimistic for this calf as the laughter of the hyenas grew more sinister and louder. It barely moved and hardly showed any signs of life. Its little tiny trunk laid limp on the ground, partially submerged in the birth fluid. Desperation filled Elie’s eyes. In a bid to save her one and only calf, she tenderly stroked him with her trunk. Hope was slipping away as time progressed and the calf did not show any signs of life. But with the ever vigilant care of Elie who sat through the night with him, he managed to pull through the night. When the first rays of light touched the African plains, the herd had a new member, Tiny. With the birth of this calf, so begins our story.

Initially, Tiny would always hide behind his mother’s hind leg whenever they were near the herd. Stealing quick peeps from where he was hiding, he would then try to absorb his surroundings, trying to comprehend this new world he was born into. Still unfamiliar with many things, from what was food to his family members, he was very attached to his mother. Tiny was very small for his age but he was full of energy. Elie was always there to teach and nurture Tiny the ways of the elephant. By the time the other cows gave birth to their own calves, Tiny could already use his trunk, to which he often showed off to the other calves in the herd with pride. By now he was rather familiar with his herd and would run around them with confidence. He would trumpet non-stop as he bounces around the grasslands. He would still run behind his mother’s hind leg if he hears or sees anything unfamiliar, seeking solace in his mother’s comfort.

Elie was very protective of Tiny. She would constantly observe his every action. Whenever he wandered too far off, she would call out to him in a low bellowing tone. She would be grazing near by, while Tiny plays. In comparison to other calves, he was still small at this age and requires a lot of nurturing. His frail structure required her to keep a close eye on him at all times.

Yet, on a rare occasion when Elie allowed Tiny to join the other calves of the herd for a game of Hide-And-Seek, he went missing. He was like a chameleon always able to find the safest and most secret of places to hide and was always the last to be found. However, this time none of the calves were able to find him, no matter how hard they searched and trumpeted to him. They feared that Tiny may have been unfortunate enough to encounter some sort of danger while playing. They immediately returned to their herd and their respective parents to inform them of what had happened. News traveled fast like lightning across the herd and it eventually reached the attention of Elie herself. She grew anxious and frantic, not knowing what to do and she grew increasingly desperate to find an answer, pacing about like a caged animal, her large footprints imprinted in the soft soil with each step. She kept leaving the herd and rejoining it as if she should either just keep calm and assume that her child would return to her eventually when he needs something, or should she search for him immediately while there is still light brightening the land?

The mere thought of losing her only child began to affect her as her tears began to gush like a waterfall from her eyes. While she was drowning in her tears, a familiar trunk gently touched her hind leg. She turned to see her beloved Tiny cowering in fear expecting Elie to trumpet angrily at him. He hung his small little trunk towards the ground and his big ears covered his face. At this sight, Elie’s heart warmed and she just snuggled Tiny closer to her. Both of them are finally reunited before the darkness covers the land.

Still, Tiny felt guilty at how much he had caused his caring mother to suffer within. He made a vow that very night, never to stray too far from her sight ever again. He wanted to be always there to make her happy in the years to come.

Time passed and seasons come and gone. Summer has descended upon the plains and with it came the drought and the intense heat. The once lush leaves and grass of green gradually turned crunchy brown over time. Lesser clouds were fresh in the sky and rain became scarce. The dry season became an annual period of unease for the elephant herd as they had to travel constantly for new sources of sustenance. With instinct and experience as their only guide, they moved slowly but steadily towards the North. Elie was used to these seasonal travels so she did not mind them a single bit. However, Tiny was very inexperienced about the events that was taking place so he sought comfort in the only place he knows where, his mother Elie. Elie also made sure that she would be able to protect her child as the leader of the herd guides all the elephants.

Along the way to the North, the herd crossed rivers as well as other parts of the African plains. Tiny’s curiosity was never greater than it was before. He finally had the opportunity to see all kinds of new sights and hear all sorts of new sounds. His excitement in seeing more of the world would sometimes cause him to separate from his herd in order to enjoy the experience more. Elie was vigilant the whole time and constantly reminded her child to stay close as they do not have the time to settle and relax.

However, while the unsuspecting elephant herd had a solid goal in mind, their activities do not go unnoticed or ignored. The dry season takes its toll on every animal in the plains, from the gentle herbivores to the ferocious carnivores. Little did Tiny, Elie, and the rest of the herd realized what lay ahead and around them that was stalking them.

A rare anomaly in the animal kingdom, often we grow up with the knowledge that elephants will always beat lions, but the tables have turned. In the midst of night, when the moon was dim, and all was strangely quiet without any of the nocturnal noises .Eyes that glowed like fireflies skulked around the edges of the elephant herd, as if they were seeking out the weak and young. The elephants exhausted from their ongoing trek to better pastures have left them weary and their guard down. Within the blink of an eye, the stalkers made their move.

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